
Posted: Tue Jan 9 2018

This is an example of what I would like to see from people applying for the job of President of the United States.

My idea is to set an example for people applying for a job that is employed by me and my fellow Americans and is a job to serve me and my fellow Americans. This is what I expect from the people applying for the job, and what I want to hear about them and from them.

And this example can serve for any elected official at any level. It does not need to be specific to the President. It is for everyone, because these are our employees. Unfortunately, it seems that too many elected officials feel that they are the focus instead of the job they are doing being the focus. They lose sight that they are working for me directly, not for lobbies, business, special interests, or their own interests.

These are my ideas about how I would serve as President of the United States of America. This is to serve as an inspiration to people who are qualified to serve as POTUS. And it is to suggest what kinds of information, ideas, and behavior we, as citizens, should be expecting from our President. Everything expressed here is subject to change as I refine my thoughts. I will try to explain what changes I make in my views and thoughts and comment on the reasons for change.

There may also be inconsistencies in different parts of this treatise as my ideas evolve, and as I include ideas in multiple places under different topics. These different places may constitute different facets or perspectives on an idea that need further rumination to consolidate into a cohesive, consistent idea.

It is also possible that some of these "sub" ideas may grow important enough to be promoted from thoughts under other topics to their own topics.

There is no definitive, top-down organization of these thoughts. I have some basic higher level topics, but these may change as I add new articles. I am also trying to tag articles with "topics" to mark article relationships.

I am intentionally not supporting public comments on this Web site for a variety of reasons. I may comment on my own posts if what I have to say is about the post but not directly part of the post. But beyond that, there will be no support for comments. While I do want to foster discussion about these thoughts I am sharing, I do not have the capacity to manage much comment volume, nor do I have a well thought out way to be open to all perspectives and yet to keep discussion from devolving into flame wars. I hope that discussion of these thoughts will be constructive, happening at friendly gatherings, via a wide variety of discussion forums both digital and live, within organizations of all kinds, within political groups, and mostly among us regular citizens of the United States.

I have created an asymmetric-key pair for this endeavor and published the public key on this site. I am using this set to create a cryptographic signature of each article to safeguard the articles from unapproved alteration from my composition. Instructions for verifying an article.

On a personal note, this effort is the sole work of one person. Me. I am not in the political arena. I am not a writer (hence, many, many revisions). I am not in a field remotely related to politics or writing. I am just a citizen who wants things to change and wants to encourage discussion about our representatives and our government and what we want from them.

I am incognito because I really want this to be about these thoughts as seeds of conversation and change and not even remotely about me. The ideas are not radical wisdom unique to me. I simply am someone who is providing a common seed bank where people can see what's there.

Article Signature
